Jeff was born to be a warrior. Jeffrey A. Lucas chose his path early in fourth grade when he wrote a paper about all the Special Forces and said he wanted to be a Navy SEAL, because they were the best.

While growing up in Corbett, Jeff liked to practice for his future in the military. Jamie Lucas, Jeff's younger brother, remembers waking up from the couch one night after hearing a noise in the basement of the family's Corbett home. He walked downstairs to find Jeff with a BB gun. He was picking off mice as they walked across a beam on the other side of the basement.
Jeff also experienced the receiving end of the BB gun. His friends remember the day when they were playing with their BB guns in the woods and all of the other targets had flown away. As the quickest of the group Jeff volunteered to be the prey, if he was given a head start. After agreeing to give Jeff a 10 second head start, his friends immediately opened fire, shooting him in the back at point blank range as he tried to run away. After brushing off the BB's, soothing the welts and cursing his friends, Jeff agreed to keep playing and again be the target.
Jeff liked to play "recon" in the woods near his home. Jamie remembers when his brother would hop on a motorbike and ride the back trails to a nearby Bible camp. He'd sneak into the camp, crawl across a creek on his belly and climb underneath some of the structures where the participants gathered. Once he knew where everyone was, Jeff sneaked into the cabins and took candy from the campers.